How to place an order

Dear customers, from 09.08.22 to 14.08.22, orders will not be accepted or sent.

All orders received on these days will be processed from 15.08.22 in the first-come, first-served order.

1 Searchproducta:
- Search by shape name (cat, poodle, snake, nightingale, mammal, horse, etc.) is located in the upper - right corner of the page-rectangular gray window. Enter a name and click on the orange button with a magnifying glass.
- Search for all products that include the desired word - enter it in the window and press Enter on the keyboard.
- Search by size-located in the left column of the page in the form of labels. Tap the appropriate section.
2 Select a product. Click the 'Add to Cart' button'near the photo of the product you liked. To increase the quantity, click the 'Add to Cart' button several times. You can change the quantity later on your 'cart' page.
3 Place an order-click this button after completing purchases. Enter your details for product delivery.
4 Send order-click this button and check your email address. You will receive an email containing a copy of the order and an invoice for payment.Due
- Two business days: in St. Petersburg to the SDEC issuing point after receiving payment to the account.
- Three business days: to other cities after receiving payment to our account.

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